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Call For Artists
19 Works - Creations from Isolation

Call for submissions for 19 Works art event “The art that is being produced from the heart of domesticity will show how the human experience sits within us, rather than in external components of our lives.” ~Laurisa Sastoque

Jefferson Center for the Arts is proud to announce 19 WORKS – CREATIONS FROM ISOLATION.
This show is open to all artists, all ages, and all disciplines.

It will run Fri, Sat and Sunday from August 28th through the Monday of Labor Day September 7th, 2020.
While certainly welcome, submissions do not need to be Covid related. It is preferred, however, that they have been created during lockdown and inspired from the present circumstances.

Social distancing and mask wearing will be enforced at the show with a limited number of people admitted for viewing. Artists will have an opportunity to sell their work and share their stories with the public.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” ~Pablo Picasso

The JCA is proud to offer our community a safe place to explore the arts and spirit of one another.

We hope you’ll join us!

Submission information

The deadline for submissions has passed.

19 Works Events

Friday August 28 - Sunday August 30 (6-9PM)

Friday September 4 - Monday September 7 (6-9PM)