The Golden Ghosts - film @2pm
movie presentation
Saturday, November 23, 2024
2 PM
Film Screening of “The Golden Ghosts”, a film by Mark Oliver, starring Fred Magee & Victor Martin, written by Sean McFarland & Mark Oliver.
In 1852, a lone Black woman trudges barefoot along a dry riverbed in Siskiyou County, watched by two Black men in the trees. She seems indifferent to the spectacular beauty around her, near the base of Mount Shasta. “There’s a lot of purpose in those legs,” one of the men remarks. They assume she is looking for gold, as they are, but conclude that the important thing is what she and they are walking towards. Freedom. It’s the opening scene of an hour-long movie, “The Golden Ghosts,” the latest work by Mt Shasta artist and filmmaker Mark Oliver’s project to recover the forgotten history of African Americans’ participation in the California Gold Rush. Funded by the 18th St Art Center in Santa Monica and the California Arts Council Oliver picked a local group of actors who you will recognize, Clue=one plays the saxophone! It is a historical fiction work based on Siskiyou County events.
Buy advance tickets on Mark Oliver’s website
Buy advance tickets on Mark Oliver’s website
Jefferson Center for the Arts 1124 Pine Grove Dr Mount Shasta, CA 96067